It’s going to be very busy at AIPIA this year

AIPIA Smart Packaging Virtual Congress

AIPIA Virtual Congress – 10 September 2020

The AIPIA Smart Packaging Virtual Congress taking place on 10 September 2020 is attracting a huge level of interest. That is why the organizers have made a few changes to the agenda. The official opening will be at 10:00 AM Amsterdam time. After the opening, you will have one hour to walk around the exhibition floor and meet the 30 exhibiting companies. The live broadcast speaker program starts at 11.10 AM Amsterdam time.

Over 60 live speakers, 10 user cases, 30 exhibitors, and an enormous network of brands and technology providers will be participating the event. Familiar brands, including Aptar, Asahi Kasei, Digimarc, Kezzler, Systech, Toppan, and Zappar, among others are lined up in the demonstration area. They are also joined by several new faces such as Inspectron, Jenton Dimaco, Sincpress, and Syntegon (the new name for Bosch Packaging).

Eef de Ferrante, managing director of AIPIA, said, “With delegate fees of just EUR 295 to attend the ‘live’ event on 10 September and the opportunity to revisit the Congress over the following month as part of the package, we believe this is a great deal for everyone involved in moving the Smart Packaging sector forward.”

Please click here to view the agenda of the AIPIA Virtual Congress.



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