Tata Institute develops Rs 100 tablet to prevent recurrence of cancer

Human trials are yet to be completed 

Tata institute develops Rs 100 cancer tablet

The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai has announced the development of a tablet that can prevent the recurrence of cancer and reduce the side effects of treatment by 50%.

More than a decade of research at the Tata Memorial Centre has resulted in the creation of the pro-oxidant tablet, combining resveratrol and copper (R+Cu). 

Dr. Rajendra Badve, a senior cancer surgeon at Tata Memorial Hospital, told NDTV that the tablet has been tested on rats for its effect on side effects and prevention, with promising results. However, human trials are yet to be completed, which could take about five years. 

The tablet is awaiting approval from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and is expected to be available in the market by June-July. It will be priced at around Rs100.

The institute’s findings suggest that cancer cell remnants, known as cell-free chromatin particles (cfChPs), can induce cancer in healthy cells, leading to new tumor formation. The R+Cu tablet, when ingested, produces oxygen radicals within the stomach.

These radicals are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, where they target and destroy cfChPs, hindering the process of metastasis—the spread of cancer cells to other body parts.


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